Night Owling

Rambling thoughts of a lifelong insomniac.

Phoebe Owens Crozier


soft glow of a device illuminates a mostly obscured woman holding it. Text reads “Night Owling.”

I’ve been padding around the house in the middle of the night as long as I can remember, and definitely as young as five.

I love the middle of the night. I love the crazed energy of a second wind — when everything is quiet. It feels OK to have heightened senses and chronic hypervigilance. I am alone, slipping in and out of silky shadows.



Phoebe Owens Crozier

👩‍👦 🐶 ⚡️✨ 🔗 mother of a dog |creative sorceress light | connected all-ways | (bio haiku by K-F-P 🙏 ) 🔗: